LSG members

Celebrating our members and their success

It’s no secret that most businesses have dealt with multiple obstacles that they’ve had to overcome, especially when faced with tough trading conditions. These LSG members are an example of some of those that we’ve seen harness their success and achieve their goals – with a little bit of help from the buying power of LSG Purchasing.

In this blog, find out more and recognise the success of these inspiring members, from long-time licensees to award-winning bars, pubs, and restaurants. We hope their stories inspire others in the sector who are looking to build businesses and meet their own aspirations and achievements. 

Brilliant businesses that use LSG

Parade & Albany in Claygate, Surrey 

LSG Purchasing members

Image Source: Parade & Albany

If you’re looking for a warm and welcoming café-restaurant in Claygate, look no further than this lovely neighbourhood gem. Situated in the heart of town, this establishment offers great coffee and an array of brilliant homemade food served by friendly staff who are always on hand to brighten your day and make you feel at home. 

Be sure to check out their daily deli counter, which is stocked with freshly made sandwiches, soup, cakes, and their legendary homemade Clarence Court scotch eggs and sausage rolls that you can take away with you. 

If you’re planning an event, they also offer private catering options, including fully-served meals and grazing tables. It’s no wonder this venue is so busy and popular – once you visit, you won’t want to leave!

Since starting their membership, Parade & Albany has taken advantage of 3 LSG deals with new suppliers. Firstly, Initial Washrooms, the world’s leading hygiene company that has helped Parade & Albany create a safer working environment with fewer hygiene risks. Secondly, 1st Waste, who have enabled them to reduce waste costs and improve their recycling and waste collection. Lastly, SJL Insurance Services, who offer their customers a wide range of commercial insurance products, giving Parade & Albany a clear understanding of what insurances and policies are best suited to their business. 

Orange Giraffe Pub Co

Mark Corker is Operations Manager of a small family-run group of pubs in seven locations throughout West and South West London. Using their membership with LSG Purchasing to their full potential has seen the Orange Giraffe Pub Company start using Alliance Disposables and they couldn’t be happier with the result, now saving £8,400 per annum compared to their previous supplier. 

Key Account Manager of Alliance, Peter Hartwell, also managed to secure their own price support from Hygiene company, Diversey, who now provides their chemical products and organise other simple swaps to cut their costs further. 

Drop into any one of their lovely pubs for a visit and a taste of their mouthwatering, Mediterranean-inspired menu.

Members who are doing interesting things

Just Cornish in St Collum

LSG Purchasing members

Image Source: justcornish

From savoury to sweet treats, Just Cornish has it covered with pasties, pastries, and all sorts of other fresh handmade goods. When Covid hit, owner Sean took the initiative and set up a delivery service for Just Cornish pasties. Dedicating his time and hard work to setting up his new website, he was able to offer delivery for customers and pasty lovers all over the country.

Customers visiting Just Cornish can do so with even more confidence now that they have made the most of our exclusive deals with Initial Washrooms, the global hygiene experts, showing that the health and safety of their customers who dine in with them is of the utmost importance. 

More recently, Just Cornish has taken on another site, True Cornish Deli/Cafe in Newquay. Serving a wide variety of meals and snacks, from full English breakfasts to fish and chips to cheesecakes, True Cornish isn’t one to be missed either. 

Waggon and Horses

LSG Purchasing members

Image source: waggonandhorseseatonsocon

Back in January of 2022, Amy and Dean took over the Waggon and Horses pub from Amy’s aunt, Becky. Amy had worked at the pub for 10 years prior, so knew the place inside out. Hosting various events such as music at the weekends, the pub has been going from strength to strength, and with Aunt Becky staying on as an employee, the family feel is very much a driving factor of the business. 

When we last spoke to Amy and Dean at the end of June, they were days away from meeting their new baby. They had been busy organising a sweepstake at the pub and raising donations by guessing the baby’s weight, due date, and name. Amy and Dean agreed to double the total raised and pledged to donate this to Great Ormond Street Hospital and Children’s Charity. 

Amy and Dean have also boosted their business with big savings on gas cylinders with BOC. With this being a necessity for the pub and something that they are consistently ordering, this LSG deal makes the world of difference for the couple.

LSG also got Amy and Dean set up with Barclaycard. Now they are benefiting from low card rates and incorporating smarter ways to take payments. 

Waggon and Horses is also another LSG partner to take advantage of Initial Washroom’s services. 

All supplier deals for LSG partners are available to view via our website. LSG Purchasing has spent more than 25 years bringing together thousands of hospitality professionals to create a hugely effective buying group. Joining this network of industry experts will open up opportunities that could elevate your business to the next level. Stay ahead of the market by getting in touch with us today!